Human Renal Cells
The renal system, also known as the urinary system, consists of the kidneys, the ureters, the bladder, and the urethra. These organs work in conjunction to eliminate metabolic waste products from the body by filtering approximately 200 liters of fluid per day. In addition, this system plays an essential role in the management of blood pressure and pH levels as well as the regulation of metabolites and electrolytes. Researchers in the field of urinary disorders frequently utilize human primary cells to increase their understanding of the diseases that can affect this vital biological system. The use of these cells in laboratory and research settings is expected to grow in the coming years due to the unparalleled capacity of these biological products to replicate in vivo conditions while retaining high physiological relevance. Primary Cells and Renal Disorders Human primary renal cells can yield insights into a variety of disorders affecting the urinary system, s...